A stunning lifestyle

If you’re looking to relocate to regional Victoria, the Grampians region offers affordable housing backed by a fantastic lifestyle.

Situated on the Western Highway, Stawell is just two and a half hours from Melbourne and is flanked by numerous vibrant rural communities. The region offers excellent health and education facilities, childcare, sport and recreation, transport connections, shopping, restaurants, pubs and cafes and a long list of essential services.

A major tourist destination, the region is home to the famous Stawell Easter Gift and the very popular Grampians National Park, which offers many natural attractions and adventure activities, complemented by an ancient aboriginal culture.

Stawell is built on a rich gold-mining history and our towns and villages still reflect the charming history of a bygone era and are a haven for history buffs, antique lovers and gold fossickers. Other regional attractions include art galleries, day spas, wineries - including Seppelts and Bests in Great Western - fresh produce, farmers markets, museums, and major festivals and events.

There are many excellent private and local government career opportunities on offer in our region, and investment is booming. Recent major projects for Stawell include a $20 million Stawell Health and Community Centre and a multimillion dollar upgrade of the Skene Street School - a school for students with special learning needs.

In addition, Stawell is home to a dynamic business hub, boasting several successful international business operations. The region’s producers and towns are also set to reap the long-term rewards from the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline project, a colossal $688 million water-saving initiative.

So whatever brings you to our region - your dream home, career or lifestyle – you and your family can relish the space and harmony provided by one of regional Victoria’s most liveable destinations.